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Player Registration
and Consent Form
Any child wishing to play football with Walton Warriors must complete and submit the form below. Registration is only available online.
Please take the time to read our
Privacy Policy
and our
Code of Conduct
. Before you start, please make sure you have a suitable digital photo:
The image must clearly show the head and shoulders of the player, similar to a passport photo.
Photos taken with your phone camera are fine.
Please ask the player to wear a plain t-shirt or top, and no sunglasses or hats.
Please use a plain background (eg. a wall) and no holiday snaps
Registration Details
Player Name
Is this your first time registering for Walton Warriors?
We require proof of age for all players in the form of a passport or birth certificate. We only need this once, i.e. the first time you join.
Yes - it is the first time
No - we've registered before
Proof of ID File Upload:
Drag and drop a file or upload a photo (phone camera images are acceptable) of either:
- The player’s birth certificate
- The face–page of the player’s passport
Drop files here or
select files
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 1 GB, Max. files: 1.
Which squad are you playing for, boys/mixed or our girls only squad?
Age Group (on 1st September)
Please Select from the dropdown
Player Photo File Upload:
Drag and drop a file or select a file from your device. Please choose a suitable passport-style photo of the player as this is essential when registering with the FA.
Drop files here or
select files
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, Max. file size: 1 GB, Max. files: 1.
I confirm that the above photo is a good likeness.
I Agree
Primary Contact Information
We require the following information for the player's parent or guardian
Parent or guardian's name
Parent or guardian's Date of Birth
Parent or guardian's Gender
Mobile Phone
Mobile Phone (other)
It is now mandatory for every registered player to have an e-mail address attached to their record in The FA Whole Game System (WGS) - the IT system used by the FA to administer league and club registrations.
For legal and safeguarding reasons, the FA cannot hold the e-mail addresses of players under 16. So for most players, we need to request a valid e-mail address for the designated primary contact — typically, this is a parent or guardian.
NB. when a squad has been registered with the league, The FA will send an e-mail requesting your consent to be associated with the child's record in WGS. Please keep an eye out for this e-mail, and confirm your consent accordingly.
Home Address
1st Line
Address Line 2
Postal Code
Emergency Contact Information
Is the Emergency Contact the same as the Primary Contact information given above?
Emergency Contact – Name
Emergency Contact Relationship
Emergency Contact – Phone
Once activated in Whole Game, please update the linked player account with the above emergency contact details
Other Information
School Your Child Attends *
Child's Date of Birth
Child’s School Year (on 1st Sept.)
Please select from the dropdown list
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Child’s Age (on 1st Sept.)
Medical Conditions or Allergies (please be specific)
If your child does not suffer from any medical conditions please put n/a
Once activated in Whole Game, please update the linked player account with of any medical conditions / allergies
I, the player, confirm that I have read the club’s Code of Conduct for players and agree to abide by its contents.
To agree with the above please type the player's name
Read our
Code of Conduct
Date agreed
Parent / Guardian
I confirm that I am the parent / guardian of the above–named child and acknowledge that he / she plays at the club at their own risk and remains the responsibility of their parent / guardian at all times. I also confirm that I have read the club’ Code of Conduct for parents and agree to abide by its contents.
To agree with the above please type the player's name
Read our
Code of Conduct
Date confirmed
Photography and Website
At times there may be club photographs that will appear on the Walton Warriors FC website or recruitment leaflets. If you would prefer your child to be excluded from such photographs, every effort will be made to adhere to this. Please contact the club secretary (see the website footer) if you have any concerns regarding the content displayed on the club website or on our leaflets.
Do you agree to photographs of your child appearing on our website or leaflets
I Agree
I do NOT Agree
Personal Data
Consent for U12 players and below
Please read the following to see if you agree:
I consent to the processing and sharing of my data with club committee members and coaches through team lists held on our website, iCloud, Google Docs and via email. This makes the administration of teams more efficient.
I consent to the processing and sharing of my data using WhatsApp to communicate club business. This makes communication easier and quicker.
I, the parent, confirm I give my consent
To agree with the above please type the parent's name
Date consent given
Players U13 and above
Since the law changed in May 2018, we need specific consent to process certain data. We refer you to our
Privacy Policy
for further details. The law requires young people aged 13 and over to consent personally to processing their data.
Please read the following to see if you agree:
I consent to the processing and sharing of my data with club committee members and coaches through team lists held on iCloud or Google Docs and via email. This makes the administration of teams more efficient.
I consent to the processing and sharing of my data using WhatsApp to communicate club business. This makes communication easier and quicker.
I, the player, confirm I give my consent
To agree with the above please type the player's name
Date consent given
I consent to be contacted in relation to marketing relevant to the club. For example we would like to send you occassional newsletters or match reports. We may also want to promoting certain businesses who sponsor or support the club (We would never send you SPAM)
I agree
I do NOT agree